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La Linea (2009)

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010 , Posted by Lautreamont Jr at 21:37

Pelon (Esai Morales) is the newest head of the Salazar Cartel, the most powerful drug organization in Tijuana. Pelon has been recently appointed by the aging Salazar patriarch, Javier (Andy García, in his usual suave self) who is dying of some plot-induced disease. Alongside, in a serious case of too much plot, comes hitman with a heart of gold Shields (Ray Liotta), hired to kill Pelon (it goes beyond saying he will fall in love in a tender-but-platonic way with a hooker with a heart of gold), Diablo (Jordi Vilasuso), illegitimate gay son of Javier, his bodyguard Gary Daniels, a CIA agent played by Senator Kelly from X-Men, a McGuffinlicious pair of afghan heroin dealers (who may or may not be involved in terrorist activities) and the ghost of a pretty colombian girl.

La Linea has endless helicopter shots of downtown Tijuana, and a cavalcade of poor acting, famelic action sequences, nonsensical plot twists and hand held camera...

Avoid like the plague, it is way better to rent Traffic again...

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